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自营 世界知名TESOL专家论丛:词汇和语法的描述与教学:基于当代语言学理论的学术研究与教学实践Description and Instruction of Lexis and Grammar: Research Studies and Teaching Practices Guided by Contemporary Linguistic Theories

书号 9787544645119

作者 刘迪麟

浏览 4414

销量 52 当前库存 569

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‘世界知名TESOL专家论丛”集萃了国际知名英语教育和学术机构---世界英语教师协会( TESOL International Association )的多位资深专家在教师教育发展领域的研究精华。丛书每种致力于教师教育发展的一个研究专题,从国际范围的广阔视野,对英语教师的教学、科研和职业发展等领域的热点话题进行深入探讨,既有丰富的理论知识,又有鲜活的课堂实例,旨在为国内高校外语教师教育 与发展提供切实有效的理论指导和实践借鉴。

Dilin Liu (刘迪麟)博士现任美国阿拉巴马大学英语系教授和应用语言学专业主任,曾任世界英语教师协会应用语言学分会会长,俄克拉荷马州TESOL协会会长,并担任多部国际学术期刊的编委。本书汇集了作者数十年的研究成果,探讨了如何在功能语言学、社会语言学、语料库语言学和认知语言学等当代语言学理论的指导下,更有效地描述与教授英语词汇和语法。对这一研究专题感兴趣的读者,定能从中获益良多。

Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development — Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts highlights the works of a number of leading researchers and educators in the TESOL field, aiming to exemplify the diversity and complexity of the ELT field. Description and Instruction of Lexis and Grammar: Research Studies and Teaching Practices Guided by Contemporary Linguistic Theories opens up a whole new way of describing and/or teaching a variety of lexico-grammatical issues, especially those that have been found to be particularly challenging for EFL learners, by utilizing contemporary linguistic theories and approaches.
  • 图书目录


Chapter 1 Introduction

Part I Describing and Teaching Challenging Lexico-Grammatical Issues

Chapter 2 A Study of the Acquisition of the Article the in Nongeneric Uses and Its Pedagogical Implications

Chapter 3 Intransitive or Object Deleting? Classifying English Verbs Used without an Object and Its Pedagogical/Research Implications

Chapter 4 Adequate Language Description in L2 Research/Teaching: The Case of Pro-Drop Language Speakers Learning L2 English

Chapter 5 Corpus-Based Lexico-Grammatical Approach to Grammar Instruction in EFL and ESL Contexts

Chapter 6 Making Grammar Instruction More Empowering: An Exploratory Case Study of Corpus Use in the Learning/Teaching of Grammar

Chapter 7 Combining Cognitive and Corpus Linguistic Approaches in Language Research and Teaching: Theoretical Grounding, Practices, and Challenges

Chapter 8 Going beyond Patterns: Involving Corpus-Based Cognitive Analysis in the Learning of Collocations

Part II Describing and Teaching Diffi cult Lexical Usages

Chapter 9 Chinese EFL Learners’ Acquisition of CulturallyLoaded Words and Its Pedagogical Implications

Chapter 10 Researching and Understanding Synonymous Adjectives: A Corpus-Based Behavioral Study of Chief, Major, Primary, and Main

Chapter 11 Research and Understanding of Synonymous Adverbs: A Corpus-Based Behavioral Study of actually, genuinely, really, and truly

Chapter 12 Research and Understanding Synonymous Nouns: A Corpus and Cognitive Analysis of Two Sets of Synonymous Nouns

Chapter 13 L2 vs. L1 Use of Synonymy: A Combined Corpus and Cognitive Linguistic Study of Synonym Use and Acquisition

Chapter 14 Using Corpora to Help Teach Difficult-to-Distinguish English Words

Part III Developing Useful Corpus-Based Vocabulary Lists for Learning and Teaching

Chapter 15 A Corpus Study of the Most Frequently Used Spoken American English Idioms and Its Implications for Material Writing and Teaching

Chapter 16 A Corpus Study of the Most Useful Linking Adverbials across Registers and Its Pedagogical Implications

Chapter 17 A Corpus Study of the Most Frequently-Used English Phrasal Verbs and Its Pedagogical Implications

Chapter 18 A Corpus Study of the Most Common Multi-Word Units and Sentence Stems in Academic English

Chapter 19 Conclusion

Collected References

世界知名TESOL专家论丛:词汇和语法的描述与教学:基于当代语言学理论的学术研究与教学实践Description and Instruction of Lexis and Grammar: Research Studies and Teaching Practices Guided by Contemporary Linguistic Theories


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