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自营 牛津社会语言学丛书:社会语言学变异的批判性反思

书号 9787544650007

作者 卡门·佛特

浏览 2130

销量 18 当前库存 1312

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‘牛津社会语言学丛书”由国际社会语言学研究的两位领军人物英国卡迪夫大学语言与交际研究中心的教授 Nicolas Coupland和Adam Jaworski(现在中国香港大学英语学院任教)——担任主编。丛书自2004年由牛津大学出版社陆续出版以来,推出了一系列社会语言学研究的专著,可以说是汇集了这一学科研究的最新成果,代表了当今国际社会语言学研究的最高水平。
The chapters in this volume bring together some of the most prominent researchers in the field of sociolinguistic variation, both established names and newer voices, for thoughtful reflections on the field. The chapters cover a wide range of core issues, but within this diversity is a common theme the critique of conventional wisdom in the sociolinguistic study of variation and the extension of important concepts in variationist research to new areas. This volume is the kind of work that engages the reader in dialogue, challenges assumptions, and unveils new perspectives.
The four main parts of the book provide different perspectives from which particular topics in sociolinguistic research are reappraised and explored. Taken together. the chapters in Sociolinguistic Variation are a kind of road map of the field where we have been and where we hope to go. The conference from which these chapters emerged brought out the authors voices in an unusually intimate and direct way. They speak to issues in the field critically and contemplatively looking back at the established practices of the variationist tradition and looking forward into how the future of this relatively young field may develop.
Carmen Fought is Professor of Linguistics at Pitzer College
  • 图书目录


Contributors xi
Introduction, Carmen Fought
Part I: Sociolinguistic Methods
1. Some Sources of Divergent Data in Sociolinguistics, Guy Bailey and Jan Tillery
2. Ordinary Events, William Labov
3. Exploring Intertextuality in the Sociolinguistic Interview, Natalie Schilling-Estes
Part II: The Exploration of “Place”
4. Place, Globalization, and Linguistic Variation, Barbara Johnstone
5. The Sociolinguistic Construction of Remnant Dialects, Walt Wolfram
6. Variation and a Sense of Place, Penelope Eckert
Part Ill: Influences on Adult Speech
7. Adolescents, Young Adults, and the Critical Period: Two Case Studies from “Seven Up”, Gillian Sankoff
8. Three Kinds of Sociolinguistics: A Psycholinguistic Perspective, Dennis R. Preston
Part IV: Attitudes and Ideologies
9. Language Ideologies and Linguistic Change, Lesley Milroy
10. The Radical Conservatism of Scots, Ronald Macaulay
11. Spoken Soul: The Beloved, Belittled Language of Black America, John R. Rickford


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