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自营 德古意特认知语言学应用丛书:创造力与人工智能的概念整合研究

书号 9787544650113

作者 弗兰西斯科·卡马拉·佩雷拉 著

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The book takes readers into a computationally plausible model of creativity. Inspired by a multidisciplinary analysis of work on creativity, the author deals with the various processes, principles and representations that lie underneath the act of creativity and eventually proposes a model based on the conceptual blending framework, from Fauconnier and Turner. Written by a researcher with a background in artificial intelligence, the book guides the reader from ideas and discussions towards implementations and experiments.


认知语言学是语言学的一门重要分支学科,自20世纪80年代诞生以来受到了国际和国内学界的广泛关注。近年来,外教社陆续推出了一系列相关丛书,集中体现了国际、国内的优质研究成果。其中‘国际认知语言学经典论丛”收入了 Ronald Langacker、 Leonard Talmy、 Dirk Geeraerts国际认知语言学领域顶尖学者的经典作品;‘外教社认知语言学丛书·普及系列”‘外教社认知语言学丛书·应用系列”则体现了国内学界的最新研究成果这些丛书因内容权威、见解独到受到了外语界的广泛好评。

认知语言学作为一门新兴的跨领域学科,与多种学科有密切的联系,具有很强的应用意义。因此,我们又从德古意特出版社近年来推出的相关学术图书中精选了6种,组成‘德古意特认知语言学应用丛书”,引进出版。丛书反映了近十几年来认知语言学应用领域的前沿成果,集中体现了该学科的理论与实践、应用与展望,及其与人工智能、诗学、语言教学等领域的联系和互动,信息量大,时效性强,代表了国际认知语言学应用研究方面的最高水准。丛书作者汇集了 Gitte Kristiansen、 Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibanez Rene Dirvena等国际认知语言学界领军人物,以及欧美相关领域的优秀学者体现了国际认知语言学应用研究方面的最强阵容。


  • 图书目录

1 Introduction
1 Motivations
2 Overview
3 Contributions
4 Structure
2 Creativity

1 Creativity Theories
1.1 Divergent Production
1.2 Bisociation
1.2.1 Humor
1.2.2 Science
1.2.3 Arts
1.3 The Systems Model
1.4 Boden'sTaxonomies
1.5 Others
1.6 Synthesis

2 Computational Creativity
2.1 Two Accounts for Characterizing Creativity
2.1.1 Characterizing creativity in AI
2.1.2 Creativity assessment
2.2 Creative Systems
2.2.1 What is a creative system?
2.2.2 Some systems and models

3 Working with Concepts
1 What Is a Concept?
2 Building Concepts
2.1 Concept Formation
2.2 Concept Invention
3 Mixing Concepts
3.1Conceptual Combination
3.2 Conceptual Blending
3.2.1 The Framework
3.2.2 Some criticisms
4 Metaphor andAnalogy
4.1 Structure Mapping Engine
4.2 Conceptual Scaffolding and Sapper
4.3 Others

4 A Model of Concept Invention
1 A Creative General Problem Solver
2 Description of the Model
3 Discussion

5 Divago
1 0verview of the Architecture
2 Knowledge Base
3 Mapper
4 Blender
5 Factory
6 Constraints
6.1 Integration
6.2 Topology
6.3 Pattern Completion
6.4 Maximization/Intensification of Vital Relations
6.5 Unpacking
6.6 Web
6.7 Relevance
7 Elaboration
8 Divago as a Creative System

6 Experiments
1 The Boat-House
2 The Horse-Bird
2.1 Evaluating the Optimality Pressures
2.2 Finding the Pegasus
3 Noun-Noun Combinations
3.1 Tuning
3.2 FreeGeneration
3.3 Comparison to 83
4 The Creature Generation Experiment
4.1 Tuning
4.2 Free Generation
5 The Established Blending Examples
5.1 Experiments with Isolated Principles
5.2 Experiments with Combination of Principles
5.3 Some Considerations
6 Discussion

7 Conclusions and Future Directions
A The Effect of Input Knowledge
B Established Examples of Conceptual Blending
C Programming the Frames
1 Syntax and Overview
2 Programming of the Frames
3 Examples
D Instances in the House-Boat Experiment
E Experiments, Databases and Other Documents






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