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自营 世界知名TESOL专家论丛:跨国读写教育中的语言、身份、权力与跨文化教学法研究Languages, Identities, Power, and Cross-cultural Pedagogies in Transnational Literacy Education

书号 9787544656528

作者 (加)李国芳著

浏览 5290

销量 29 当前库存 96

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Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development — Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts highlights the works of a number of leading researchers and educators in the TESOL field, aiming to exemplify the diversity and complexity of the ELT field. Languages, Identities, Power, and Cross-cultural Pedagogies in Transnational Literacy Education provide a rich opportunity for readers to explore and reflect on factors that are critical to immigrant students’ language and literacy learning across time and space and the dichotomies between home and school, homeland and new land for immigrant English learners.


Guofang Li(李国芳)是加拿大跨国/全球化视角下儿童及青少年语言与语言素质教育方向首席科学家,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学语言及语言素养教育系终身教授。研究方向包括移民子女跨文化、英语作为第二语言师范教育、全球化背景下的语言政策与实践等。本书分三大部分,共23章,收录了作者过去二十多年的学术生涯中发表的精华论文,主要探讨了北美的移民学生语言和读写教育中的一些常见问题和背后成因,针对移民学生英语教学提出了切实的建议举措。


‘世界知名 TESOL 专家论丛”由上海外语教育出版社约请国际知名英语教育和学术机构——世界英语教师协会(TESOL InternationalAssociation)的前任主席孙以琳(Yilin Sun)教授担任主编,针对国内教师教育发展的需求,精心策划推出。丛书主编及作者均来自 TESOL协会,在国际英语教学研究领域颇有建树。这是 TESOL 协会专家首次集中与我国外语界合作,联袂将国际教师教育与发展领域的研究精华向广大读者呈现。




This book, Languages, Identities, Power, and Gross-culturalPedagogies in Transnational Literacy Education, is part of the bookseries Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development —Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts published by ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press.

As we have witnessed, the field of TESOL has transformed itselfover the last 50 years, especially in the last two decades. It is diverse,complex, multifaceted and ‘glocal’. The increasing demand for global English has resulted in an expanded landscape of ever-diversifying profiles of users, uses and contexts.

This series, titled Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development — Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts,features a selection of the works of a number of leading researchers and educators in the TESOL field, aiming to exemplify the diversity and complexity of the English language teaching (ELT) field.

Each book in this series focuses on a specific area in the ELT field. Other examples include critical pproaches to English language teaching, second language acquisition research, second language writing research and practice, second language reading research and practice, World Englishes, teacher education, corpus based grammar/lexical studies, English for specific purposes (ESP), language assessment, and bilingual/multicultural education and language policy, to name a few.

The purpose of each book is to bring together both earlier and recent articles to show the development of the author’s work over his/her academic career. The articles have been selected to address both theoretical issues and practical implications in English language teaching for in-service and pre-service ELT professionals, as this series is intended to not only help foreign language teachers grow professionally,but also serve as textbooks or recommended reading in teacher training institutes in China and other parts of Asia.

Each book begins with an autobiographical introduction by the author in which s/he identifies issues that have been critical in their areas of expertise and how their work has evolved over time. The rest of the

book consists of chapters based on articles published over the author’s professional career. The book ends with a chapter where the author provides a summary of the work, as well as predictions and suggestions

for moving forward.

Following the trajectory of each author’s own research and teaching career (an entire lifetime in some cases), each book provides readers with a vivid snapshot of the development in the author’s perspectives

on the issues addressed, reflecting the changes in theory, research and practice that have occurred in the specific area of inquiry over a period of time. It is our hope that this series will contribute to a more extensive knowledge base and constructive disciplinary growth for the ELT field.

Guofang Li’s book highlights the representative work from her best,more than 20 years of professional career as a prominent researcher and scholar devoted to examining young immigrant and minority students’bicultural and biliteracy practices and connections between home andschool settings and in transnational contexts and spaces.

This book begins with a brief account of Guofang Li’s inspiringjourney starting as a young ELT professional originally from Wuhan,China who went to Canada to pursue a doctoral degree in language and literacy education, and through the study of critical theorists and experiential learning in the doctoral program, how her research interest shifted toward learning not only ‘just good teaching” methods, but also the identities of Asian immigrant children and their parents who the author shared similar immigration and learning experiences with in the new land, and how such shift has influenced her later research to unpack the critical and overlooked lines of difference and cultural complexities between home and school settings and in transnational contexts

and spaces as a Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transnational/Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education of Children and Youth.

The articles in this volume, arranged in chronological orders,provide a rich opportunity for readers to explore and reflect on factors that are critical to immigrant students’ language and literacy learning

across time and space and the dichotomies between home and school,homeland and new land for immigrant English learners.

The carefully selected chapters in this volume clearly illustrate thepower of cultural reciprocity and concerted efforts between teachers and immigrant parents in challenging the common deficit views on immigrants’ home language and literacy practices and breaking down the dichotomies for English learners to achieve their full potential in a globalized world. This book is a valuable resource for bilingual education classroom teachers, teacher educators, and researchers.

Yilin Sun


September, 2017

  • 图书目录



Chapter 1 My Work on Pedagogy of Cultural Reciprocity in  Transnational Language and Literacy Education

Part 1 Culture, Identity, and Literacy: Multilingual Learners in Transnational Contexts

Chapter 2 Understanding ELL Literacy from a Cultural Lens: An Asian Perspective

Chapter 3 Second Language and Literacy Learning in School and at Home: An Ethnographic Study of Chinese-Canadian First Graders’ Experiences

Chapter 4 Biliteracy and Trilingual Practices in the Home Context: Case Studies of Chinese-Canadian Children

Chapter 5 Family Literacy and Cultural Identity: An Ethnographic Study of a Filipino Family in Canada

Chapter 6 Other People’s Success: Impact of the “Model Minority”Myth on Underachieving Asian Students in North America

Chapter 7 Behind the “Model Minority” Mask: A Cultural Ecological Perspective on a High Achieving Vietnamese Youth's Identity and Socio-emotional Struggles

Chapter 8  Literacy Engagement through Online and Offline Communities Outside School: English Language Learners' Development as Readers and Writers

Chapter 9 Low-SES ELLs’ New Literacies Outside School: Attitudes, Access, and Agency

Part 2 Social Class, Literacy, and Power: Immigrant Parents Learning Language and Negotiating Schooling in a New Land

Chapter 10 Immigrant Language Acquisition: An International Review

Chapter 11 Home Environment and Second Language Acquisition: The Importance of Family Capital

Chapter 12 Race, Class, and Schooling: Multicultural Families Doing the Hard Work of Home Literacy in America’s Inner City

Chapter 13 Literacy, Culture, and Politics of Schooling: Counternarratives of a Chinese Canadian Family

Chapter 14 What Do Parents Think? Middle-class Chinese Immigrant Parents’ Perspectives on Literacy Learning, Homework,  and School-home Communication

Chapter 15 Poverty and Minority Children’s Education in the USA: Case Study of a Sudanese Refugee Family

Chapter 16 Social Class, Culture, and Asian Social Positioning:  Rethinking Education and Power in the New Millennium

Part 3 Multiliteracies and Cross-Cultural Pedagogies: Toward Best Approaches to Language and Literacy Instruction

Chapter 17 Subject Matters of Language, Culture, Identity, and Power

Chapter 18 The Role of Culture in Literacy Learning and Teaching

Chapter 19 Best Approaches to Literacy Instruction for English  Language Learners: Cultural Conflicts and Compromises

Chapter 20 Perspectives on Struggling English Language Learners: Case Studies of Two Chinese-Canadian Children

Chapter 21 Reading “the Word” and “the World”: Promoting Learner Agency through an Engagement Model of Literacy Instruction

Chapter 22 Promoting Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students as Change Agents: A Cultural Approach to Professional Learning


Chapter 23 Looking Back and Moving Forward: New Directions for ELT in the Era of Superdiversity

世界知名TESOL专家论丛:跨国读写教育中的语言、身份、权力与跨文化教学法研究Languages, Identities, Power, and Cross-cultural Pedagogies in Transnational Literacy Education


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